C# Full Pharmacy Project With Source code

Hello Dear Friends....!!
This post is one of our completely Free Projects .. It is a Pharmacy Project that can perform a lot of operations you can also find the (.dll) files for the working Barcode Reader Machines in your country and add it to the project .

Pharmacy Project Main Form

Steps to get the project working : 

  1. Create an SQLserver Database Then create two tables
    • Phar_Item_Info Then add this fields :
      • ID >> DataType : Int (Primary Key)
      • Class >> DataType : nvarchar(50)
      • Company >> nvarchar(50)
      • Type >> nvarchar(50)
      • Price >> money
      • Notes >> nvarchar(150)
    • LoginInfo With this fields :
      • ID >> DataType : Int (Primary Key)
      • Password >> nvarchar(50)
  2. Create a Stored Procedure and Implement this code inside it : 

  3. ALTER PROCEDURE insert_Data @ID int,@Classnvarchar(50),@Company nvarchar(50),@Typenvarchar(50),@Price Money,@Notes nvarchar(150)
    @parameter1 int = 5,
    @parameter2 datatype OUTPUT

    insert into Phar_Item_Info (ID,Class,Company,Type,Price,Notes)values(@ID,@Class,@Company,@Type,@Price,@Notes)
    /* SET NOCOUNT ON */

  4. Open The Project on Visual Studio then go to Class Connection.cs Then Edit the connection string to be the one suitable for your server.

  5. You can add a lot of improvements to this project such as the Barcode Reader , Charts for Inventory Level , Total Sales and much more ..

Pharmacy Project Add Item Form

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