Web Based Feedback system Project in PHP

Web Based Feedback system Project


                     Giving Assignment to students by lecturers is the common process in every college. If there are very few members in the class then it will be easy task to collect manually but most of the big universities there are many students for each class as that time it is time taking process.
Assignment feedback system project is designed to reduce work for lecturers by providing exact time for submitting assignments and give grades for students.
                     Faculty can give feedback to every student based on his assignment status. Student will have limited access to faculty for viewing his test results.
                      Using this system faculty will have more time to view students assignments and projects so he can give feedback to students before dead line is reached.  Students can modify assignment and make changes and resubmit. This process will save time for lectures while taking classes and office hours.


Provides solution for faculty and students to submit work using web application
Students can get feedback from faculty for any modifications.
Time for appoints and submission will be reduced.

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