Online Crime Reporting System in PHP

** Hello Friends Today I post Online Crime Reporting System PHP Project For Engineering Student..
  • Online Crime Reporting System is developed such that Registered users can report their complaints online. Police Station can upload information about Missing Persons and Most Wanted Criminals. Administrator is responsible for Manage Police Station.


    There are three modules available in Online Examination System
    Module                                                           Description
    Administrator :- Administrator can manage Exam Categories,Subjects, Faculties and Students.

    Faculty:- Faculty can manage his/her own profile. Faculty can manage student  details,Exam Schedule and Questions to be asked in Examination.

    Student :-Student can Manage His/Her own profile. Student can give online examination and view the result. Student can also compare answer with actual answer.


    User Type  |                                                 Functionality
    Administrator  |       (1) Create and Manage Police Station.
                              |       (2) Upload Safety Tips.
                              |       (3) Upload News.
    Police Station     |        (1) Upload information of Missing Persons.
                              |        (2) Upload Information of Most Wanted Criminals.
                              |        (3) View Complaints from User and Solve their Complaints.
    User                  |        (1) Manage Own Profile.
                             |        (2) View information of Most Wanted Criminals.
                             |        (3) View information of Missing Persons. 
                             |        (4) Report Complaints to the Police Station.
                             |        (5) View Safety Tips and Latest News.

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