Online Exam System in PHP

            Online Exam System is developed such that students can give online examination of their subjects. Faculty Members announce the schedule of the examination and students can give exam on that particular date. Students can also see the result after giving examination.


There are three modules available in Online Examination System:
Module                                     Description
Administrator:- Administrator can manage Exam Categories,Subjects, Faculties and Students.

Faculty:- Faculty can manage his/her own profile. Faculty can manage student details,Exam Schedule and Questions to be asked in Examination.

Student:- Student can Manage His/Her own profile. Student can give online examination and view the result. Student can also compare answer with actual answer.

User Type                                Functionality
Administrator:-   (1) Manage Users.
                         (2) Manage Exam Categories.
                         (3) Manage Subject. 
                         (4) Create and Manage Faculty.
                         (5) Create and Manage Students.

Faculty:-          (1) Manage Own Profile.
                         (2) Create and Manage Exam Schedule.
                         (3) Create Question Bank. 

Student:-          (1) Manage Own Profile.
                         (2) Give Examination.
                         (3) View Result.

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